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🔺No. 1: Natto anti-thrombotic

Natto received 52 votes among 300 doctors, winning the first place with an overwhelming number of votes. Nattokinase, a viscous component in natto, can help dissolve thrombus, make blood flow more smoothly, and achieve the effect of preventing cerebral infarction and myocardial infarction. Moreover, there are more than 20,000 kinds of natto bacteria in natto, which have the effect of inhibiting the proliferation of influenza virus. ​

🔺No. 2: Mackerel controls blood pressure

The EPA and DHA of mackerel can help blood vessels become more flexible, and may have the effect of controlling blood pressure. ​

🔺No. 3: Yogurt can make intestines

The rich bifidobacteria and lactic acid bacteria in yogurt not only have a good effect on intestinal regulation, can help prevent constipation, but may also help the intestinal tract to absorb nutrients more smoothly. ​

🔺No. 4: Tofu controls blood sugar

The "Resistant protein" in frozen tofu may have the effect of preventing and improving hyperlipidemia. The rich dietary fiber can regulate the intestines, improve resistance, and help control blood sugar and make blood vessels younger. ​

🔺No. 5: Vinegar promotes metabolism

Acetic acid improves blood flow and lowers blood pressure. ​

🔺No. 6: Broccoli hair care

Broccoli, especially broccoli seedlings are rich in sulforaphane, which has a strong antioxidant effect, can help improve blood flow, and improve gray hair problems caused by poor blood circulation. ​

🔺No. 7: Tomato protects blood vessels

Lycopene in tomato can slow down the aging of blood vessels, increase good cholesterol and reduce bad cholesterol. ​

🔺No. 8: Avocado saves knee pain

Avocado is the most nutritious fruit certified by Guinness World Records. The "soybean unsaponifiable substance (ASU)" in it can help inhibit inflammation, protect and repair cartilage, so it may have the effect of preventing and improving degenerative arthritis and reducing knee pain . ​

🔺Number 9: Kimchi helps the intestines

Compared with animal lactic acid bacteria, the plant-based lactic acid bacteria in kimchi can avoid being damaged by gastric acid, and can reach the intestinal tract smoothly. ​

🔺No. 10: Apple Profit Lung

Yoshio Otani, a Japanese physician and doctor of respirators, pointed out that apples are rich in polyphenols and other antioxidant substances, which can help inhibit and improve lung and bronchial inflammation, making the lungs gradually younger.
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根據這則訊息,以下是一些需要特別留意或懷疑的地方: 1. 資料來源:訊息中並未提及這些資料的來源,包括這300位名醫的身份、票選方式、以及票數統計等。沒有明確的資料來源可能使訊息的可信度受到質疑。 2. 醫學證據:訊息中提到各種食材對健康的效果,但並未提供相關的醫學研究或臨床試驗的結果來支持這些說法。在接受這些資訊時,我們應該要求更多的科學證據來驗證其有效性。 3. 個人偏好:這些食材的排名是由300位名醫共同票選出來的,但這些名醫的選擇可能受到個人偏好、地域差異或其他因素的影響。因此,這些排名可能並不代表普遍共識或科學共識。 4. 營養價值:訊息中提到這些食材的營養價值和對健康的益處,但並未提供具體的營養成分數據或相關的營養價值評估。在評估食材的健康價值時,我們應該參考更全面的營養資訊。 總之,閱聽人應該保持懷疑和批判的態度,並尋找更可靠的資訊來源,以做出明智的飲食選擇。
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