網傳「美國軍人享有台灣健保」的圖片及訊息,內容聲稱美國要求 1650 萬退伍軍人可以使用台灣健保,而民進黨表示十分贊成且支持。經查證,立委王定宇 10 月 13 日質詢退輔會副主委李文忠,提到美國眾議院退伍軍人事務委員會主席馬克高野Mark Takano,建議美國在亞太地區的退伍軍人,可以付費使用台灣的醫療資源,並非要讓 1650 萬名退伍軍人使用健保;李文忠當時表示,在雙方平等互惠的原則下表達歡迎,但駐美代表曾向美方詢問,並沒有收到後續回覆。

The pictures and messages of "American soldiers enjoy Taiwan's health insurance" were circulated on the Internet, claiming that the United States requires 16.5 million veterans to use Taiwan's health insurance, and the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) expressed its approval and support. After verification, legislator Wang Dingyu questioned Li Wenzhong, vice chairman of the Retirement Association on October 13, referring to Mark Takano, chairman of the Veterans Affairs Committee of the US House of Representatives, who suggested that US veterans in the Asia-Pacific region can pay for medical services in Taiwan. The resource is not to allow 16.5 million veterans to use health insurance; Li Wenzhong said at the time that he would welcome it under the principle of equality and reciprocity between the two parties, but the representative in the United States had asked the US side and did not receive a follow-up reply.



網傳「美國軍人享有台灣健保」的圖片及訊息,內容聲稱美國要求 1650 萬退伍軍人可以使用台灣健保,而民進黨表示十分贊成且支持。經查證,立委王定宇 10 月 13 日質詢退輔會副主委李文忠,提到美國眾議院退伍軍人事務委員會主席馬克高野(Mark Takano),建議美國在亞太地區的退伍軍人,可以付費使

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【報告將隨時更新 2022/11/22版】 一、傳言事件起源於立委與退輔會副主委李文忠近期在立院的質詢與回答。 二、退輔會副主委李文忠指出,美國眾議員高野在2021年訪台提出,讓有緊急醫療需求的南太平洋退伍美軍赴台自費使用醫療資訊,退輔會內部贊同此提議,駐美代表處曾向美國退伍軍人事務部提出,尚未得到回應。此提議目前尚未與美方正式討論,也尚未實施。 三、退輔會贊同方案為美國以同等醫療資源,服務在美的

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