The text claims that the Minister of Health of North Macedonia, Venko Filipce, in the show "Top Topic" on Telma TV, generalized that the patients with coronavirus in our country have a mild clinical picture.
Past 31 days
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There is 1 fact-checking reply to the message
Lin mark this message contains misinformation
originally written by Lin
If the whole show is listened to, it will be noticed that the Minister at the beginning of the interview first spoke extensively about the most severe form of the disease, and only then added that despite the complications and mortality that can occur, a large percentage of infected patients have a mild course of the disease. . However, the text takes a fragment of Filipce's TV speech out of context and, using only that part, creates a wrong image and manipulates the citizens.


Филипче не генерализираше дека пациентите заболени од коронавирус се со лесна слика

[Рецензија: Додека Филипче во емисија тврди како пациентите се со лесна слика, еден пациент почина по пат накај болница] Текстот што го рецензираме уште со насловот ја дезинформира јавноста, бидејќ…

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