今天印尼友人傳來的影片,地點是在 印尼外海,海面上遍佈魚族屍體,美麗海洋正遭受空前的浩劫 !
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可疑訊息與該影片相關 https://cofacts.tw/article/o8-Ac4oBrkRFoI6rGu9J

There is 1 fact-checking reply to the message
MrOrz mark this message contains misinformation
originally written by NX


Washed up fish carcasses not sign of impending disaster, says Fisheries Dept(來源:The Star ,時間2020/6/4)

"The Penang Fisheries Department has assured that the carcasses of dead fish washed up along several beaches in the state are not a sign of an impending disaster.

Its director Noraisyah Abu Bakar said an investigation found that the red snappers and trevallies were from nearby fish farms, adding that the fish died due to a sudden bloom of algae in the water – a natural phenomenon which occurs annually."


"假訊息在8 月24 日廢水排放前一天開始擴散,並在廢水排出後開始加速。也能看到不少假訊息會搭配擴散力強的影片。"

"其他也有像是使用2020 年從墨西哥沿岸的建築物排放黑色汙水至海洋的影像,抱怨「日本排放廢水是禍害人類的罪行」等假訊息。猜測目的是讓民眾誤導這是福島核電廠的處理廢水。該中心在 25 日假訊息出現時就注意到這則假訊息並進行查核,發現有母公司為中國企業的影音 APP 「TikTok 」的 Logo 和簡體字的說明出現在假訊息的影片中。"

Washed up fish carcasses not sign of impending disaster, says Fisheries Dept

The Penang Fisheries Department has assured that the carcasses of dead fish washed up along several beaches in the state are not a sign of an impending disas...


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