A tip and important hint from Korea as an additional safety measure...👍👍
Use the non-dominant ( i.e. your left hand, if you are right-handed and vice versa) hand for door knobs, transport, bathrooms, etc. because it is very difficult for you to touch your face with that hand. In Korea they widely practiced this habit and defeated the pandemic.
將非慣用手(即,如果您是右手,則為左手,反之亦然)用作門把手,運輸工具,浴室等,因為這很難用那隻手觸摸您的臉。 在韓國,他們廣泛地實踐了這一習慣並戰勝了大流行。
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MrOrz mark this message contains personal perspective
originally written by MrOrz

「用非慣用手碰觸其他東西」這件事情是否有助於防疫,目前並無定論。杜拜警方在 3/25 在官方推特推廣「左右手分開做不同事」。不過,西班牙的公共衛生專家則表示,大家根本不會意識到自己多常摸自己臉、以及用哪一隻手摸臉;兩隻手都有可能在「無意識」、「非故意」的狀況下摸到臉。因此,把重心放在我們能有意識、主動去做的事情更為重要,例如時常清潔雙手,以及注意衛生。

Opinion Sources

2020/3/25 Coronavirus in UAE: Use left, right hands for different tasks, advise Dubai Police

2020/3/19 Is it recommended to use the non-dominant hand to avoid contagion by coronavirus?
There are 1 reply deleted by its author.

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