良心不安悔改後說出實驗疫苗針相的~澳洲醫生William Bay 誠懇地說:「我曾經把我的職業、家庭利益放在我病人的前面,當下我沒有膽量敢說疫苗的副作用……但,我今天選擇按我行醫時的誓言所說:我病人的利益高於一切的原則,我必須將真相說出來。澳洲醫生註冊委員會不允許醫生探討此事的自由。也許我出來講真話會給更多醫生創造講真話的環境。」

Australian doctor William Bay said sincerely, "I have put my career and family interests ahead of my patients, and I would not have had the courage to speak out about the side effects of the vaccine. But today I choose to tell the truth in accordance with my oath as a doctor: the interests of my patients come before everything else. The Australian Medical Registration Council does not give doctors the freedom to explore this issue. Perhaps by speaking out, I will create an environment for more doctors to speak the truth.
Past 31 days
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There is 1 fact-checking reply to the message
Ann mark this message contains misinformation
originally written by Ann
1. 影片中的William Bay醫師,已因發表反疫苗言論、干擾醫學會議,遭澳大利亞醫學委員會提議停權。

2. 影片中數據錯誤。
截至2022年8月21日,澳洲已接種6300萬劑疫苗,共接獲13萬5682則「不良事件(Adverse Event)」通報。但「不良事件」不一定是藥物引起,也可能是因潛在疾病、病史或病史相關藥物等其它理由。若確定存在因果關係,則會稱為「不良反應(Adverse Reaction)」。

3. 澳洲接獲的931份死亡「不良事件」通報,均有持續調查,目前有13人疑似與疫苗接種有關,均發生在34~81歲。沒有確定與COVID-19疫苗接種有關的兒童、青少年或年輕人死亡。


COVID-19 vaccine safety report - 25-08-2022

‘You have been warned’: Doctor, anti-vax protest leader facing suspension over bizarre rant to chief medical officer

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