Good day Madam

Your details have been confirmed here on our DATABASE. We must inform you that (Dr Song Lee ) is on an important duty holding a profound position in  the ongoing contract as one of our doctors serving in the American hospital in Paris. and he is a very good and gentle person. Before an urgent vacation can be granted he needs a replacement to his duty post  and do also be informed that he is also entitled to  a lifetime pay of pension and doctor's compensation funds which will be paid to you as his  guarantor for security purposes.
The reason for payment for the replacement fee is to enable your friend to get his liberty pass out of the doctor's department and enable him to get his urgent leave and replacement for the Doctor coming to take over duties from any personnel going on urgent vacation or retirement.  Below are the replacement fee categories and countries where we have available forms for replacement:

1.United State: $150,000 USD
2.Moscow Russia :$30,000 USD
3.Taiwan:$15,200 USD 

The above replacement fees categories are made available for you to choose according to choice made for your friend depending on your capability and expected time to get his name fixed on vacation and  the Pension board on time and to avoid mistakes or miscalculations in replacement expenses as explained above.  

We await your response soon.

With regards
D/R .
Department Of  Doctor Observer  & Nurses Personnel In Paris. 
Past 31 days
Total Visit: 1
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murmur mark this message contains misinformation
originally written by murmur




165 全民防騙網: 什麼是假愛情交友詐騙​​​​​​​-165反詐騙專線《詐騙手法大公開》延伸閱讀

STEP詐騙集團以帥哥、美女的大頭照,於交友APP或FB等社群平台隨機加好友搭訕或在FB文章留言處隨機搭訕。 STEP自稱是 #戰地軍官 #戰地軍醫或 #駐外工程師等 成功人士每天於社群軟體對你噓寒問暖、喊你寶貝親愛的,讓當事人產生戀愛的感覺。 STEP培養感情一段時間後,開始向你表示戰地十分危險,自己有一些 #積蓄 #退休金 怕被人搶走,想放在包裹寄到臺灣給你保管、請你代收,之後想來臺灣和你

最新》假網戀真詐騙!聯合國軍醫需退休 6旬婦險遭詐6萬多@東森新聞 CH51


奈及利亞詐團佯裝聯合國白人醫師 騙台灣10熟女4百萬元 | 聯合新聞網


阿姨又是你! 1天3次想匯款給「戰地醫生情人」-台視新聞

苗栗縣一名年約60歲的陳姓婦人,透過網路認識自稱是聯合國醫生的男網友,深信對方因生病急需用錢,婦人竟然一天之內連續3次想要匯款50萬元給對方,儘管每次都被員警及時阻止,她仍悻悻然離去,讓員警擔心婦人可能會再度被騙!勸不聽!婦稱「不會匯錢」 2H後又被行員通報「大概妳這種狀況、這個年紀的女生,會碰到的詐騙手法就是這種。」竹南分局員警苦口婆心地勸60歲的陳姓婦人,千萬不要隨便匯錢給網路上剛認識的男子,

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