20歲男接種 #BNT 後雙眼白內障,需手術摘除並植入人工水晶體

美國一名20歲健康男性,大學生,無任何病史,接種第一劑 #BNT 2日後急診,有噁心、嘔吐、肌肉疼痛、腹痛、尿血、膿皰皮疹、雙眼發紅、視覺輕微模糊。新冠IgG血清抗體和PCR、其他傳染病檢測均為陰性,顯示未受感染。生化檢驗顯示,患者處於全身性的發炎失控。


作者認為該病患之白內障病因,最可能是嚴重的發炎失控( "significant inflammatory dysregulation" )


Cataracts in setting of multisystem inflammation after COVID-19 vaccination - PubMed

This is the first reported case of cataract formation following a COVID-19 vaccine. While ocular adverse effects associated with COVID-19 vaccination are rare, it is important to raise awareness of th

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