(red triangle button)(((高科技犯罪)))
(Soon arrow)太恐怖了,不用伸進你的皮包皮夾,你的金融信用卡就完全被竊取!

以後見到人拿著 iPad 套之類物件要小心,高科技電子扒手,信用卡要注意。



INSIDE EDITION Investigates Electronic Pickpocketing

Airdate: 2/23/2011-- It's called electronic pickpocketing and security expert Walt Augustinowicz says relatively new technology designed to make your purchases more convenient could put your credit ca

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originally written by MrOrz

RFID 信用卡確實會傳送信用卡正面的號碼給 RFID reader,也確實存在部分線上商店,只要傳信用卡正面的號碼即可消費。

然而,卡片背面的 CVV 碼與名字並不會透過 RFID 傳送。當皮夾中複數張 RFID 卡疊在一起時,也無法奏效。從 2010 年初見此類訊息起,直至 2017 年,這種被稱為 Electronic pickpocketing 的竊盜手段仍然相當罕見。


Snopes.com 闢謠(2016.2.17 更新)

FACT CHECK: Electronic Pickpocketing

Scam:   Card-skimming thieves can make fraudulent purchases with information read from RFID-enabled credit cards carried in pockets and purses. MIXTURE Examples: [Collected via e-mail, December 20


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