

. 速转!十万火急!!!
亲:不管多忙,请转发到你的另外群。康师傅早就成了日本控股企业,康师傅企业的老板是日本人,日本鬼子太坏了,就是要慢性毒杀中国人啊!想让中国人断子绝孙啊!太坏了!有半点良心就转发吧! And spin! most urgent ❗❗❗❗❗❗
No matter how busy you are, please forward it to your other group.

Dear friends: CCTV's "Focus Interview" has been broadcasted. Please send this message to everyone you know.
The instant noodle contains the banned pesticide carbendazim in Japan. Carbendazim can cause cancer such as cerebral palsy, liver tumor and so on. Including those that are on sale (fruit orange) Kangshi mineral water, kangshi iced black tea, green tea, sprite, cola, dandong yalu jiang beer, qingdao beer, snowflake beer, etc. kangshi a series of products, there are multi - fungus inside. The Hong Kong Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD) is seized of the incident.
Experts point out that, like other pesticides, carbendazim has the greatest impact on the brain, causing local paralysis and cancer.
Please transfer it to a friend you care about. Don't feed your children instant noodles and don't give them the Chef Kang's brand this drink.

And spin! It's urgent!!!
No matter how busy you are, please forward it to your other group. Master Kong has long become a Japanese holding company, Master Kong's boss is a Japanese, the Japanese devils too bad, is to chronic poison Chinese ah! You want the Chinese to lose their children! That's bad! If you have any conscience, please forward it!
Past 31 days
Total Visit: 1
There is 1 fact-checking reply to the message
Lin mark this message contains misinformation
originally written by Lin


【假食安】台灣康師傅方便面含有日本禁用農藥「多菌靈」?LINE 的變種謠言又來了

【假食安】台灣康師傅方便面含有日本禁用農藥「多菌靈」?LINE 的變種謠言又來了! |MyGoPen

【假食安】台灣康師傅方便面含有日本禁用農藥「多菌靈」?LINE 的變種謠言又來了! 關於多菌靈的 LINE 謠言真的傳到不行了,標題為「台灣康師傅方便面含有日本禁用農藥「多菌靈」」這樣類似的網路謠傳,還說如美粒果等多種飲料都還有這樣的成分,會引發局部麻痹並會導致癌症,事實上衛福部食藥署都出來澄清了,真的別再傳囉! 曲解多菌靈的謠言 原始謠傳版本: 速轉!十萬火急❗❗❗❗❗


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