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If you looked at that MHRA report for the public, you will see that they didn't do any fertility studies.
Pages 16 to 21 are of particular interest for people to look at if they're interested.
They did no fertility studies, and they didn't even do fertility studies in animals.
They were exempt. The studies and trials were exempt, which is most peculiar.
They didn't do any studies in pregnant women, and yet it was pushed on pregnant women.
And we know from the Pfizer studies themselves that they said to the women in the studies, you must not get pregnant.
You must use contraception. You mustn't get pregnant under any circumstances.
And human nature being what it is, 25 women did get pregnant.
And out of the 25 pregnancies, there were 15 miscarriages, which means that's 58% miscarriage rate for women who were vaccinated and became pregnant.
And out of the nine babies that were born, five had congenital abnormalities.
So this is a complete disaster, absolute disaster. And we've seen miscarriage and stillborn baby rates go up enormously, actually.
In Scotland, the normal rate is 2 in 1,000, and it's gone up to 4.9 in 1,000, which is the highest level for over 10 years.
Is this... I mean, those are just absolutely shocking numbers.
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There is 1 fact-checking reply to the message
Ann mark this message contains misinformation
originally written by Ann
Tina Peers於2023年2月24日,在GBS上節目聲稱「輝瑞疫苗試驗期間,有58%的女性流產」,已被證實為錯誤資訊。

1. Tina本人已於Twitter推文承認該數據引用錯誤。
其引用的原始報告,為輝瑞的「定期安全更新報告(PSUR #1)」,正確的原始數據顯示接種後流產發生率為14%,而非Tina聲稱的58%,目前已有百餘人向「英國通訊管理局(Ofcom)」投訴該節目散佈新聞。

2. 另,《新英格蘭醫學雜誌》研究根據美國CDC與FDA的疫苗安全通報系統統計,顯示接種mRNA疫苗後的自然流產發生率為12.6%,相較於一般孕婦在妊娠期中自然流產發生率約為10%至26%,並無顯著增加。

3. 英國藥品技術保健產品監管機構(MHRA)已發布聲明,指出COVID-19疫苗在懷孕和哺乳期間是安全有效的,仍建議孕婦及母乳哺育者接種。目前也有多項研究表明,在懷孕期間接種COVID-19疫苗是安全的。


FALSE:Fifty-eight percent of pregnant women suffered a miscarriage in the Pfizer vaccine trials.

No change to MHRA advice on the safety and effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines for those who are pregnant or breastfeeding

Evidence Points to Safety of COVID-19 Vaccines for Pregnant People

False: Fifty-eight percent of pregnant women suffered a miscarriage in the Pfizer vaccine trials.

Data from a Periodic Safety Update Report was misinterpreted to claim an exaggerated percentage of miscarriages in the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine trials.


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