為什麼美國食品藥物管理局疫苗批准辦公室的處長和副處長兩人在今天同時提出辭呈?下面的資訊就是背後的原因之一。我鄭重冒險在此分享, 秉持的是當一個世界公民的責任和良知。
To do my duty as a global citizen for the sake of #humanity, I am risking my FB account to share this very up-to-date and critical information with you. This explains why the director and deputy director of the vaccine approval office at U.S. FDA qdecided to quit today.
👉August 23, 2021, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration granted full approval to the COVID-19 mRNA injection developed by Pfizer/BioNTech, sold under the brand name Comirnaty, for use in people aged 16 and older.
2021年8月23日,美國食品藥品監督管理局 (FDA) 完全批准了由 Pfizer/BioNTech 開發的 COVID-19 mRNA 疫苗注射液,以 Comirnaty 品牌銷售,宣稱適用於16 歲及以上人群。
👉Normally, the FDA will hold a formal hearing and allow for public and expert input before a drug is moved from emergency use authorization to full approval but, in this instance, no such hearing was held.
通常,FDA 在藥物從「緊急使用授權」轉為「完全批准」之前會舉行正式聽證會,並允許公眾和專家提出意見,但在這ㄧ次卻沒有舉行此類聽證會。
👉The notion that a “vaccine” that has killed more people in nine months than all other vaccines combined in three decades is considered safe stretches beyond the bounds of credulity and further undermines public trust in the FDA.
「一種疫苗在九個月內造成的死亡案例數目超過最近30年來所有其他疫苗造成的死亡案例的總和, 卻還是被認定為是安全的疫苗」, 這種思維和判斷的可信度已蕩然無存,也進一步削弱了公眾對 FDA 的信任。
👉The approval is based on six months’ worth of data from 44,047 people aged 16 and older. Half of them got the shots and half initially received a placebo. However, in early December 2020, Pfizer unblinded the control group and 93% of controls opted to get the real injection. This means we’ve had no control group since December 2020 and have nothing to compare the treatment group against.
該批准是根據來自44,047名16 歲以上人士累積六個月的案例數據。 他們中的一半得到了注射(所謂的治療組),一半最初接受了安慰劑(所謂的對照組)。然而,在2020年12月上旬,P|zer 突然決定對「對照組」進行了"揭盲",93% 的對照組的人因而選擇進行真正的注射。 這意味著自2020年12月以來,這個實驗就沒有「對照組」,也就沒有可以跟「治療組」比較的內容。
#Denys說明:任何懂醫學研究基本方法的人都知道,"揭盲" 的決定等同於放棄實驗,表示這個實驗計劃因此失去任何參考意義,可信度為零❗️
👉The FDA’s prescribing information for Comirnaty includes the risk of myocarditis and pericarditis, two types of heart in§ammation that typically develop within seven days after the second injection.
FDA 的 Comirnaty 處方信息包括心肌炎和心包炎的風險,這兩種類型的心臟炎通常在第二次注射後 7 天內發生
#Denys說明: 以上資訊是今天來自一位很有影響力的美國功能醫學醫師 。因為他已被官方主流列入所謂"傳播假訊息的黑名單", 還很光榮地登上榜首, 所以我選擇不要用他的文章連結,也不寫出他的名字,要不然 這篇貼文一定很快就會被移除。
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