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https://theprint.in/hoaxposed/viral-video-showing-a-gigantic-moon-eclipsing-the-sun-in-the-arctic-is-fake/666167/ 原文出處與闢謠,為電腦合成圖

Cheng Pin Tsao

這個影片是假的, 月球是東昇西落, 所以畫面右邊是東邊,左邊是西邊, 如果在北極,那畫面看向太陽的方向(前方)應該會偏南邊, 但影片月球從右邊出來, 這樣右東左西前南就錯了, 照這樣講拍攝地應該是南極才對, 不過,極地不會有綠地湖泊的景觀。 另外, 先不論移動速度, 月球和太陽在天球上會昇落, 主要是因為地球自轉所致, 地球自轉一周快於月球公轉一周, 如果是以快轉加快月球昇落, 而太陽應該也要同時移動, 絕不會如影片仍定在原處; 簡而言之, 不管在任何緯度觀察太陽或月球, 絕不可能在30秒內看到完整昇落, 僅有仰角與日月照時長之區別, 除非地球自轉週期加快, 或月球逆向公轉也加快。

There are 2 fact-checking replies to the message
Shoota Chen mark this message contains misinformation
originally written by Shoota Chen
The video appears to be an animation made by a user, Aleksey___nx, on TikTok. The artist also recently made a “UFO over the moon” video, which went viral and was shared by high profile users and media outlets.


Lin mark this message contains misinformation
originally written by Lin


There are 1 reply deleted by its author.

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