信件全文如下: To: Terry Gou
From: Franz Haniel

Dear Terry,
Terry 您好

Thank you very much for your email. It is good to hear from you again after all that time. Many things have happened since we last talked and I admire how are you continuously and very successfully built Foxconn and how you manage all your other activities.

I talked today to Andreas Strüngmann and Helmut Jäckle, the chairman of BioNTech.
今天我和Andreas Strüngmann和BioNTech的總裁Helmut Jäckle有過交談。​

Helmut was very aware about the situation in Taiwan. He explained, that there has been an agreement negotiated between BioNTech and Taiwanese government. The only reason why this agreement has not been implemented, according to Helmut, was because the Taiwanese government insisted that in the public announcement about this agreement it is stated, that this agreement is between BioNTech and the INDEPENDENT Government of Taiwan.
Helmut表示他非常了解台灣現在【疫情】的處境。據他所述,BioNTech和台灣政府之間曾談過一份協議。但該份協議沒有繼續執行的唯一原因在於,台灣政府針對該協議的公開聲明,堅持須宣稱是BioNTech與「獨立」的台灣政府(INDEPENDENT Government of Taiwan)所簽署。

Since this is unacceptable to Fosun, the deal was cancelled.

Since BioNTech and Fosun are not allowed to sell to anybody else other than a government body, there does not seem to be a workable solution.

However, Helmut told me that he will took into this issue again.
Terry, I am sorry for this unsatisfactory reply. Maybe you can use your political influence to convince the Taiwanese governance that with a different wording there could be a deal.


I will follow up with Helmut and as soon as I get any new information I’ll let you know.
All the best and Warm regards,

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https://www.cna.com.tw/news/aipl/202305100057.aspx?utm_medium=app&utm_source=cna.app&utm_campaign=inapp_share (衛福部澄清訊息)

Chun-Yu Lee

上述信件全文應是來自於ETtoday新聞雲的記者陶本和的獨家報導: https://www.ettoday.net/news/20230509/2495755.htm 。記者陶本和並未交代翻攝出處,但依後續郭台銘辦公室的回應,應是證實內容的真實性。

There is 1 fact-checking reply to the message
E mark this message contains personal perspective
originally written by E
此英文信件的撰寫者擅自將衛福部中文版新聞稿裡使用的“我國”一詞,以 “the INDEPENDENT Government of Taiwan” 來描述。

當中提到「in the public announcement」,指的就是衛福部的新聞稿,衛福部一般有中文版也有英文版新聞稿公開發布在官網和社群平台上。

中文版本如下:「指揮中心已於110年1月0日與德國BioNTech 公司確認其將供應#我國500萬劑疫苗」;

英文版:「The Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) secured supply of 5 million COVID-19 vaccine doses from the German biotechnology company BioNTech on January _, 2021. 」


沒想到上面這一句話的解讀,竟被大股東在電郵中描寫為:「this agreement is between BioNTech and the INDEPENDENT Government of Taiwan」,值得注意的是,這是大股東的描寫並非合約內容的原文。且衛福部昨(10日)已公開我方在合約中皆使用中華民國台灣的字樣。

Opinion Sources

鏡週刊 直指BNT電郵事件「是為大選製造仇恨」翻譯專家嘆:英文差是國安問題 2023/5/11

中央社 衛福部公開4文件:沒用獨立字眼 2023/5/10

直指BNT電郵事件「是為大選製造仇恨」 翻譯專家嘆:英文差是國安問題



郭辦指BNT合約抬頭釀疫苗破局 衛福部公開4文件:沒用獨立字眼 | 政治 | 中央社 CNA



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