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Jeff Her mark this message invalid request
originally written by Jeff Her
Truth : Joe Biden Did Not Block President Ford's Vietnam Evacuation
This recycled FAKE NEWS was originally created by Trump supporters and remains fake news today.

Here is a quick summary of the facts :

- Senator Joe Biden did not block President Gerald Ford’s Vietnam evacuation plans.
- Senator Joe Biden did not torpedo any support for Vietnamese refugees.
- President Ford did not rely on Christian organizations to help the Vietnamese refugees.
- Senator Joe Biden voted to approve humanitarian aid for Vietnamese and Cambodian refugees.
- Humanitarian aid was approved for both Vietnamese and Cambodian refugees.
- Senator Joe Biden voted to welcome the Vietnamese and Cambodian refugees. from
If you do not believe the above message can read <When the Center Held: Gerald Ford and the Rescue of the American Presidency> by Donald Rumsfeld /唐納德·拉姆斯菲爾德 2018 年出版的《當中心堅持時》

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