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MrOrz mark this message contains personal perspective
originally written by MrOrz

2020/12/17 美國田納西州查塔努加(Chattanooga)CHI 紀念醫院的護理師 Tiffany Dover 在接種輝瑞疫苗之後,在受訪期間昏厥。護理師事後表示自己有昏厥的病史,接種疫苗之前的六個星期就有六次昏厥現象,且在接種後覺得非常好。

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網傳「美國護士接種輝瑞疫苗後感覺眩暈,直播採訪中突然倒地」的影片,甚至流傳護理師 8 小時後死亡的貼文。經查證,該名護理師表示自己有昏厥的病史,只要感覺到疼痛就有可能導致暈厥。美國疾病管制與預防中心(CDC)表示,接種疫苗後導致暈厥的現象並不罕見,而 CDC 也接曾獲幾乎接種所有疫苗都會導致人暈厥的

Nurse who fainted after vaccine has condition that causes her to pass out

CLAIM: A nurse who was one of the first health care workers to be vaccinated for COVID-19 in Chattanooga, Tennessee, on Thursday passed out on live TV after getting the vaccine and answering...

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