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要麵麵不要辣辣 mark this message contains personal perspective
originally written by 要麵麵不要辣辣
數個西方國家的杯葛原因:含美國在內約數十個西方國家長年以來就反對德班宣言(Durban Declaration and Prog. of Action DDPA), 雖然此宣言宣稱是關於 "Victims of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance: recognition, justice and development"(“種族主義,種族歧視,仇外心理和相關不容忍行為的受害者:承認,正義與發展”),但是加拿大等國家認為德班宣言的進程包含了否認以色列的合法存在,反猶太主義本身就含有種族主義種族歧視等等作為,支持德班宣言其實就等於支持上述所有的歧視與迫害行為,所以長期以來就與以色列一起強烈反對德班宣言。

Opinion Sources

Fourteen countries boycotted the conference. The precise reasons varied from country to country, but included concerns that the Durban process has been used to promote racism, intolerance, antisemitism and Holocaust denial, and to erode freedom of speech and Israel's right to exist. These countries included Australia,Austria,Bulgaria,Canada, the Czech Republic,France,Germany Italy,Israel, the Netherlands,New Zealand, Poland, the United Kingdom and the United States.

Durban Declaration and Prog. of Action/Israel's discriminatory practices against Palestinians - HRC 19th session - NGO statement (Badil Resource Center for Palestinian Residency and Refugee Rights - Question of Palestine

Written statement * submitted by BADIL Resource Center for Palestinian Residency and Refugee Rights, a non-governmental organization in special consultative status  The Secretary-General has received

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