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老鶴 mark this message contains true information
originally written by 老鶴
BBC的專題報導The three men vying to be Taiwan's next president。但本訊息只截取部份內容,欲見詳細的全文,請參考佐證資料。

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(He may be soft spoken, but Taiwan's 64-year-old vice-president is a staunch defender of the island's self-governing status.)

(Ms Hsiao brings a wealth of foreign policy experience to Mr Lai's ticket. The 52-year-old served as Taiwan's representative to the US for the last three years. She was the first woman to take on this role.)

(Mr Hou opposes Taiwan independence but has largely avoided voicing his stance on China in this campaign. This lack of clarity has drawn criticism. He dodged a question on the "One-China" policy… calling into question his ability to manage dicey diplomacy.)

(The 73-year-old is a long-time and outspoken supporter of the "reunification" of Taiwan and China - although he recently said this is not something he would pursue if elected given the substantial differences between the two sides.)

(The quirky doctor-turned-politician… Mr Ko's politics shifted during his eight-year mayorship.)

(Some believe Ms Wu was picked because of her wealth… Analysts say both Mr Ko and Ms Wu are perceived as rich members of the elite and may face challenges connecting with the broader electorate, which is also voting on jobs and the economy.)




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