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Lin mark this message contains misinformation
originally written by Lin

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永豐餘公司 造紙 研發部,研發部長 陳經理 陳述:




「面紙」加工 添加入濕強劑,故在水中不易斷裂,所以不適沖入馬桶;又添加了柔軟劑及各種活性劑,所以紙粉 ( 粉塵 ) 多。


但是 陳經理解釋說:「面紙 不能當作 衛生紙使用,尤其女孩子絕對不要用來擦拭下體,除了不衛生,還可能 引起 發炎 潰爛 癌變 ! 千萬要注意 ! 」

還有「面紙」不要擦拭 嘴巴,以免把 添加的柔軟、活性劑、粉塵 吃進去。敏感體質的人會有 不適反應,致 癌病。

陳經理還說:「他們本身懂得這些 面紙製程原理 的人,自己家裏幾乎都不用「面紙」,儘量全面使用「衛生紙」,以免花錢又受害。

哇 ... 真是個大發現 !

Statement by Mr. Chen Manager, Development Department, Yongfengyu Co., Ltd., Paper Research and Development Department, Yongfengyu Co., Ltd.:

The difference between toilet paper and tissue paper.

Both are made of native pulp and have been sterilized.

Toilet paper has not been reprocessed, so no additions have been added.

Due to the addition of wet-strength agent to the process of tissue paper, it is not easy to break in the water and is not suitable for flushing into the toilet. Added softener and various kinds of surfactant, so paper powder (dust) more.

It is generally accepted that paper is better because more paper is added to make the paper more expensive and of course the price is also higher.

But Manager Chen explained, Tissue paper should not be used as toilet paper. In particular, girls should never use it to wipe their genitals. Besides being unsanitary, it may also cause inflammation, ulceration and canceration. Be careful! 」

Also, dont wipe your mouth with tissue paper to avoid eating the added softness, surfactant and dust. People with sensitive constitution may have an unwell reaction, causing cancer.

Mr. Chan also said, Those who understand the principles of paper making process do not use tissue paper in their own homes and use toilet paper as far as possible to avoid the expense and suffering.

Wow, what a discovery!
So many only use tissue and are very afraid of using toilet paper outside the toilet thinking that toilet paper is dirty and adulterated🙃

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