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Lopez mark this message contains personal perspective
originally written by Lopez
(1) 美國 NBC 報導,追查拜登子醜聞案出處,蘋果日報參與造假 refer [1]
《Balding claimed that the document was commissioned by Apple Daily, a Hong Kong-based tabloid. A spokesperson for Apple Daily confirmed it had worked with Balding on the document.》
(2)台灣《蘋果日報》否認美國NBC報導,沒有參與造假,是香港壹傳媒員工所為。refer [2]
(3)香港壹傳媒老闆 黎智英澄清NBC報導內容,稱與台灣《蘋果日報》無關,但與其私人助手Mark Simon有關,「馬克用的錢是用我私人公司的錢,所以我說我不知道也沒人相信。」refer [3]
(4)黎智英助理坦承參與拜登之子醜聞造假 深夜辭職.

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